Rosella, also known as Native Hibiscus or "Tunang" in the Awabakal language, is thought to have originated in Sri Lanka, and brought over to Australia by Indonesian fisherman thousands of years ago. This chunky jam is a bright crimson colour, and has a flavour reminiscent of raspberry and rhubarb. The flowers used in this jam are the same variety of 'Hibiscus in syrup', often delicately placed in champagne flutes for garnish and flavour.
Rosella, also known as Native Hibiscus or "Tunang" in the Awabakal language, is thought to have originated in Sri Lanka, and brought over to Australia by Indonesian fisherman thousands of years ago. This chunky jam is a bright crimson colour, and has a flavour reminiscent of raspberry and rhubarb. The flowers used in this jam are the same variety of 'Hibiscus in syrup', often delicately placed in champagne flutes for garnish and flavour.