Friday night short soup
You will need a stockpot, cutting board, knife, sieve or strainer, ladle and serving bowls for this recipe. It is also perfect to freeze.
Two chicken frames
3 garlic cloves
4 spring onions (shallots)
30g chunk of ginger
Coarse salt
4 spring onions (shallots)
200g pork mince
50g green prawns chopped
1 tsp roasted sesame oil plus extra for serving
1 egg yolk
3 tbsp Megachef soy sauce
1 packet of wonton wrappers
THP's white pepper
1 extra spring onion for serving
Coriander sprigs finely minced
Place the chicken frames into a large stock pot with 2L water.
Using a mallet or mortar and pestle bruise the garlic, shallots and ginger and place into the stock pot with the chicken. Simmer for 2 hours - skimming off the scum regularly. Once done, strain the stock through a fine sieve or muslin cloth into a clean pot.
While the stock is cooking finely chop the white parts of the shallots and place into a bowl with the pork mince, and chopped prawns (you can finely chop or coarsely chop these - I like a bit of texture so I prefer coarsely done), soy sauce, tsp of minced coriander stem, sesame oil, and egg. Mix well and season.
Place a wonton wrapper in the palm of your hand (clean of course) and add 1 tsp of the filling. I like to twist the edges so it looks like a squid (round head and tails) but you can fold it over into a triangle and pinch the edges to seal. How you fold is up to you (and who is helping!). Place the wontons on a tray with baking paper until you finish the mix. At this point, you could take the whole tray, pop it into the freezer and one frozen put into a container or bag for use another day - or simply place each wonton into boiling water for 8-10 minutes until cooked.
Strain wontons and place them in serving bowls. Ladle hot broth over the wontons and finish with a drizzle of sesame seed oil, a few rings of sliced shallot and some finely chopped coriander (and I usually add a little chilli oil - spice it up)!
Friday night; done just right.